Feb 15, 2007

Willow inexpensive mesdaq stock

Recent financial result show that prodit for latest quarter slightly improve to 2.5 m or 1 cent per share, annually it around 3.5 cent, based on today closing price of 27 cent. It consider in expensive mesdaq stock. If you belienve theme player for mesdaq will continous, it worth to look at it.

Feb 7, 2007

Government will revise the minimum broker rates?

As today newspaper said. the stock broker now request for minimum Broker rates to RM50 .00 compared to current RM 12.00. This in line with Regional standard, In Singapore minimum rates s at SGD40.00.It is reasoable to adjust such rates! Question now is retail investor are ready on that?

Today rally on Broker film may seeking further confirmation later. Then is good new for broker film to growing.

Feb 4, 2007

Call warrant update : 2 Feb 2007

From the abov e table the premium of Call Warrant again drop to 9.53%. This reflect the price movement and tie value for money of premium.

1.Avoid those Ca will expired from feb to April.
2. Avoid those Ca with exceed 10% premium, unless the potential uptrend of mother in short term will realise.
3. Concetrate those Ca with minimum premium or even discounts,But avoid those counter already gain more than 50% in past month. This due potential pull back of market.
4. Concentrate those CA with longer expiry date.

You may swap or consider buying any Ca based on above criteria. Anywhere Warrant is blue market tools with very high risk.Before invest set you cut loss point.

Feb 1, 2007

TM the next star for Bursa Malaysia ?

Recently, TM show break of RM10.10 strong upward resistance, now at RM 10.30. Expected will show some good movement. Anywhere it is last GLC blue chip still lagging behind market. Among the CA, I will prefer the TM CA instead of CB or CC. Anywhere Good Luck in investment.

Latest New :

TM net deny to sale state in TM net to Media prima, I believe they will joint venture with media for developing the project. Also, the new fixed lines packages, I believe will help TM to slow down the losing market competiton with mobile phone operator. Those analyst may upgrade TM grading in near future.