UOA REIT was listed in December 2005. It has 3 properties under its portfolio i.e. Wisma UOA Central Parcels, Wisma UOA II Parcels and Wisma UOA Damansara Parcels. Based on a company's Interim Report for June 2006, the occupancy rate of these 3 buildings ranges from 90.0% to 99.4%.
UOA REIT has recently announced its results for QE31/12/2006. A quick look at the results show that the topline & bottomline have been rising steadily. Based on these 4 quarterly results, we can see that UOA recorded a net profit of RM20.25 mil on a turnover of RM31.38 mil for FY2006. UOA REIT pays a dividend of 8.5% per annum, representing about 98% of its EPS of 8.67 sen.
Current trade at 1.03 which given better yield of 7.5% compared to Qcapita